Handing Over Ceremony for Windsor Hills – Spicy Hill ,Trelawny

The National Housing Trust (NHT) Handing Over Ceremony is a special event that marks the completion of a new housing development and the delivery of new homes to their owners. The ceremony is typically attended by NHT officials, government officials, and the new homeowners and their families.
The ceremony begins with a welcome from the NHT Chairman and a speech from Prime Minister ,The Most Honourable Andrew Michael Holness. After the speeches, the new homeowners are presented with their keys to their new homes. There is then a tour of the new development, followed by a light reception.
The NHT Handing Over Ceremony is a time to celebrate the new homeowners and their achievement of homeownership. It is also a time to recognize the NHT’s commitment to providing affordable housing to all Jamaicans.

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