A Secret New Russian Missile?

In an unprecedented power move, President Vladimir Putin recently revealed to the world that Russia was in possession of three virtually unstoppable hypersonic nuclear-capable missile systems. As early as 2018, the Russian leader had boasted that: (QUOTE) “[Their] speed makes [them] invulnerable to current missile and air defense systems.”

Soon after, the claims became a reality when the Kh-47M2 Kinzhal hypersonic missile was deployed in Ukraine, marking the first time such a weapon was used in war and alarming spectators around the world.

As the United States continues to struggle to develop its own hypersonic missiles, the attack seemed to point to Russia as the victor in the hypersonic race.

However, careful analysis has shed new light on Putin’s so-called ideal weapon; the Kh-47M2 Kinzhal, despite the bold claims from Russian propaganda, might not be a hypersonic missile after all…

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